Esmirna Matos and Alisa Lenhardt to Travel to Puerto Rico
Esmirna Matos and Alisa Lenhardt intend to travel to Puerto Rico next Sunday, October 8, to first check on Esmirna’s mother and other family, then to seek out ways in which they might help with the immediate needs in other areas.
Please keep Esmirna and Alisa in your prayers, as they travel to Puerto Rico and during their stay there. Continue to be in prayer for the recovery of Puerto Rico and other areas hard hit by the recent storms.
Additionally, Esmirna and Alisa would welcome your financial assistance with expenses that they might encounter while in Puerto Rico—expenses for supplies, food, water, etc. for those whom they hope to help.
Anyone wishing to make a financial contribution is encouraged to do so directly to Esmirna. Sewickley United Methodist Church will not be accepting the contributions; you must give your financial gift directly to Esmirna. Due to tight time constraints, it would be prudent to hand-deliver your gift to Esmirna.
Esmirna Matos’s contact information: