Holiday Babysitting
If you think your time for Christmas shopping may be two sizes too small, we may have a way for you to get to the mall. The Fellowship of the Cross youth are offering babysitting this Saturday, December 2, (after the Santa parade) from 11 am until 4 pm in the church basement. Leave the kids to play while you shop, wrap gifts, deck your halls, gather some boughs of holly, or prepare some roast beast. The event is free to church family and friends, but monetary donations will be accepted for FOTC service projects. The FOTC team—which includes certified babysitters and two adults with child-care clearances—will provide games, movies, crafts and snacks throughout the day. Each child should arrive with a lunch. Please pre-register by sending an email with the names of children and their ages to If you have questions, please contact Pamela Mayo or Bill Utterback.