World Vision In-Kind Warehouse Work Day
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 7th and Saturday, May 5th! Adults and youth age 14 and older are invited to both work days. SUMC will help process donated items from 9 am to noon on both days. Sign-up sheets, as well as required registration forms, are in the back of the narthex.
Transportation is not provided; participants may form carpools, if desired – plan to arrive at the warehouse by 8:45 am in order to be ready to work at 9 am. Youth do not have to be accompanied by an adult, but must have appropriate paperwork completed, arrive at the World Vision in-kind warehouse by 8:45 am, and have transportation arranged for noon. The warehouse is located at 210 Overlook Drive, Sewickley, PA 15143. Please address any questions to Martha Boward.