Sewickley United Methodist Church

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VBS Decorating

Our VBS theme this year is an outer space theme, and we are in need of a few things for the decorating. We are looking for:

  • 1 lava lamp - stage prop

  • 2 telescopes (will not be used - just a prop on the chancel and a prop in one room)

  • A white helmet (motorcycle?) that we could use to simulate a space helmet - again, just a prop, unless you have a child's space helmet that you would be willing to lend for photographs of the kids

  • 5-7 rolls of aluminum foil to be used to cover cardboard to make reflective surfaces

If you have any of the above, please send us an email via: or let Pamela, Bill or one of the FOTC kids know ASAP.

Photo by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center