UMCOR Sunday (One Great Hour of Sharing) Offering – March 22nd
Life sometimes can be overwhelming—for many in the midst of humanitarian crises, UMCOR is there. The United Methodist Committee on Relief stands ready to respond when the needs arise, and works continuously to improve conditions for people the world over.
We read or watch on the news and see communities overwhelmed by natural disaster. We hear about humanitarian crises arising from civil unrest and war. We know that famine and drought are caused by climate change and see in our own community signs of food insecurity. And, of course, when we are also in the midst of our own suffering, it is hard to see beyond our own needs to help someone else.
It can seem like too much. How could we possibly make a difference? How can our limited resources make a dent in the seemingly never-ending need of the world? We begin to shut out the reminders of suffering. We become blind. We willfully ignore the great needs of our siblings in Christ. But the reality is that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to respond with extravagant grace. Just as Jesus invited the disciples into the work saying, “We must do the works of him who sent me.”
Through UMCOR, we can make a difference in the lives of communities and individuals whose lives have been upended by storms, wars, climate change, and displacement. Through UMCOR, we see the impact of extravagant grace through the generosity of United Methodists.
If you want to learn more about UMCOR visit: On March 22nd, please give generously to UMCOR. Envelopes will be included in the bulletins on March 22nd, or you can mark your check or envelope “UMCOR Sunday,” or select that option with EasyTithe.