Children’s Church Series
The “Our Heroes” series, presented by the Children’s Ministry team, continues this week as Ms. Lisa shares the story of Noah from the book of Genesis. Noah’s faith & obedience to God helped carry his family, and the animals, through a global storm. Seem applicable today? Lisa’s Noah lesson will be live streamed Sunday at 11:30 am; the recording will be available here in the afternoon. Noah is also in Genesis 6. The “Our Heroes” series allows us to share Biblical stories that help us to see God more clearly and to see who we can be as we stand in His Light. We’re hoping the stories that touch our hearts will resonate with young hearts, too. Susie, Roberta, and Felicity launched the series a week ago by drawing laughter from Jeremiah and his plea for listening and obedience to God. Has anyone ever drawn laughter from Jeremiah? The Jeremiah lesson is available on the SUMC YouTube channel. Future heroes include Nehemiah & Jochebed, the mother of Moses.