Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Thank You!

Thank you for the wonderful birthday cards I received from my Church family. It really was a pleasant surprise to hear from you. Thank you for helping to make my 90th special.

Dotty Price

Hi from the Sewickley Hospital Respiratory Department. I just wanted to thank you for the lunch that was put together for us and say what a kind gesture it was. There was obviously a lot of time and effort put into it and it’s not something we see every day. We just wanted to say we were really happy; there are 3 of us in our department who got to enjoy the lunch and we really appreciate the effort and thought to put that together for us. We appreciate you recognizing our efforts.

Dear Church Family — Thank you for the “Christmas Purse” and other gifts and cards this Christmas season. It is a joy to be part of such a wonderful church family and am very grateful and thankful to you all.

With deepest appreciation,
Pam Honeychurch

The Fellowship of the Cross would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Christmas gift bags for the shut-ins in our church family, and everyone who helped to deliver them. We were impressed and inspired by the efforts you made to bring your contributions for the gift bags to church at a time when we are not gathering regularly for worship. The bags were stuffed with treats and gifts, love and gratitude. We hope that the recipients of the gift bags were as lifted by your love as those of us who packed them.

We also wish to thank everyone who participated in our first bracelet fundraiser, which allowed us to rebuild our account for Operation Christmas Child and other service projects in the new year. We were again inspired by the messages you chose to share through the bracelets at Christmas. We hope the recipients were as inspired as those of us who created the bracelets.

Throughout this challenging year, we were lifted by your support and encouragement, and by the energy and possibilities our church created for sharing God’s love with our family, our community and our world.

Sharing His Blessings,
Fellowship of the Cross

The Light of Jesus Christ is most heartfelt! I’ve felt your prayers and your thoughtfulness. I really like hearing from you and reading your many notes. The bag of goodies and gifts is a treasure!

Much love to you all!!
Sylvia Bajsec

Dear Fellowship of The Cross,

Thank you so much for the final exam care package, and your continued support while I’ve been at school. It’s always the perfect motivation for my final week of classes!

Grant Lane

Photo by jen collins