Ash Wednesday
I know this Lenten season will look a little different this year than we had hoped. Never could we imagine that, a year later, we still would not be able to gather in person with other churches in our community. However, where there is a will, especially if it is God’s will, there is a way!
On February 17th, we will observe Ash Wednesday with our brothers and sisters from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Andrew’s, and Emsworth United Presbyterian Church. Join us on Zoom at 7:00 p.m. as we gather to remember we are but dust, and we need Jesus.
We are putting together Ash Wednesday bags, which will include items to enhance your Ash Wednesday worship experience. Ashes will also be a part of those bags. An email will go out as soon as they are available for you to pick up prior to the Ash Wednesday Service.
If you would like to receive ashes in person, Pastor Ryan Kolbert and I will be on the corner at Wolcott park at 8 a.m. for the imposition of ashes to anyone in the community who desires it.
There will also be a pre-recorded service with ashes available beginning at 8 a.m. on Ash Wednesday.
Here is the Zoom Link for our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 p.m. on February 17th.
Meeting ID: 918 7649 1209
Passcode: ashes
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Photo by Lawrence OP