Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Animals of the Bible

The Bible tells us that God created animals. From huge fish to deadly lions, the Bible is brimming with creatures great and small. Sometimes those animals are lambs, metaphors for the followers of Jesus, the shepherd who devotes his life to leading his “flock” to eternal salvation. Do you remember other animals that Jesus and his disciples encountered during their adventures? In Revelations, there are animals—and even monsters—of terrifying proportions. They are symbols of evil. Starting the week after Easter and continuing for 6 weeks (end of Children’s Church is May 16), we will be focusing on Animals of the Bible during Children’s Church.

Here are some questions about animals in the Bible to get you thinking about Animals in the Bible:

  1. What animal was the first to be let out of Noah’s ark?

  2. Samson used the jawbone of which animal to slay a thousand men?

  3. Which animal tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden? 

  4. Daniel was thrown into which animals’ den because he prayed?

Answers (no peeking!)

  1. Dove

  2. Donkey

  3. Snake

  4. Lions

Photo by Johnsan