Safety & Security Ministry
The Safety and Security Ministry was created in 2018 as a precautionary and proactive program to protect our church family. Since its inception, active shooter incidents are even more predominant than ever, further supporting the need for this ministry.
While the possibility of anyone causing us harm at SUMC is slim, we continue to exercise due diligence by expanding and upgrading our protocols in the Safety and Security Ministry. Updates for you:
Added 8 outdoor cameras providing a 360 degree view of the entire building and grounds. These cameras are watched on Sundays along with interior first floor cameras by our Guardians.
We have a trauma kit on site, located on the main floor on the glass display case in the hallway between the sanctuary and Simpson room. This kit is specially packaged for use in the event of a massive incident before emergency personnel arrive.
We have an AED kit secured to the wall in the hallway between the sanctuary and Simpson room. This kit is used to deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help re-establish an effective heart rhythm.
Coming in September: Evacuation training for our congregation, teachers, and staff — all are invited to participate in a police-led ALICE training (Active Shooter response training).
Fire exit maps are now posted throughout the building. You’ll see markings for other critical safety implements on these maps as well: i.e., fire extinguishers, trauma kits, first aid kits, door blockers, air horns, etc. Please familiarize yourself with these exits and implements.