Stewardship: An Update
by Jere Cowden, SUMC Finance Chair
As previously mentioned, SUMC is in the early stage of planning a stewardship initiative with a focus on:
1. Creating a capital fund adequate to the needs of the very visible, beautiful, and complicated building with which we have been entrusted. Currently, there are a few areas needing significant attention, in some cases requiring large expenditures within the next year; others will be addressed on a planned basis over the next several years. A few examples include:
Boiler and related plumbing, with leaks and malfunctions being costly and the possibility of serious leaks and or ruptures being a threat to our building and facility integrity
The roof is a constant irritant in need of ongoing repair and will require replacement sometime within a few years
Gutter and downspout repair or replacement
Concrete work
Ongoing maintenance, including, but not limited to, brick work, windows and doors, clock tower and bell, painting, and flooring
A detailed plan addressing the long-range needs of our building, as well as financial goals, will be forthcoming as it is developed.
Please note that the Church Council approved a budget that includes the separate identification of Capital Contributions, which we hope are beyond contributions pledged or planned for general operating expenses; several of our congregation have already made these earmarked contributions.
2. The Operating Budget is facing inflationary pressures, especially related to rapidly rising utility costs, as well as rising building insurance costs, and, of course, general inflation will increase our base operating costs by approximately 10% for 2023. Since the February newsletter, which provided a brief overview of the budget needs, we have been blessed with an uptick in general contributions. However, we are still running behind our goals for the year, but we should be able to recover if a few more of us increase our giving as able. See page 11 of the newsletter for a financial summary.
3. Increasing our service to our members and broader community, including adding programs and depth for children and youth, will be critical to retaining and growing our church and will require allocating additional human and spiritual resources. Currently there are no specific programs or initiatives in place, however, it is reasonable to presume added financial resources will be very helpful in reaching many in our community who have no church home, as well as to better meet the needs of our growing children’s program.
4. Planned giving, including remembering SUMC in your wills and estate planning, will be addressed later this year or early next, however, if anyone would like help in this area in the near term, please let Pastor Hannah, Pam Honeychurch (church treasurer), or me know, and we will be glad to introduce you to someone who can help immediately.
Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Pastor Hannah, Greg Lane (especially related to Building matters), or me.
Photo by fotogake