Here Come the Pumpkins for Our 22nd Year
For those of you who are new to SUMC, the whole month of October, we sell pumpkins from our front lawn. It takes many people to make this the success it has been. This is our biggest annual fundraiser, averaging over $5,100 for the month in profit.
The PUMPKINS are scheduled to arrive on September 30 at 9:00 am, and we need YOU to help unload this precious orange cargo. The more people we have, the faster the truck gets unloaded. If you know of any organizations that need community service hours, please let Diane Bartley or Pastor Hannah know, so we can reach out to them soon.
When our Pumpkin Patch opens for customers on September 30, we need volunteers to run the Patch every day. There is no need to lift pumpkins at this beloved community event. We just need friendly faces. Please consider signing up for 2-hour (or more) shifts—maybe even the same shift each week. Here’s the link to volunteer to work at The Patch. Please sign up now, so we are ready to go on September 30. Some shifts need multiple volunteers. The schedule shows those who are signed up and the openings.
Signing up is so easy!
Go to the schedule
For the dates/times you want to volunteer, click the Sign Up button on the right of the slot—it will change to “Selected”
Click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of the screen
Enter your name, email, and phone number
Click the “Sign Up Now” button at the bottom
We are using the free version, so you will see some ads. If you add your email address when signing up for a shift, you will automatically receive a reminder email a couple of days before your shift. Including your phone number is helpful, in case the person working before or after you needs to be in contact with you. If you want to change a time you signed up for, you can create an account and edit it yourself, or contact the office or Diane Bartley.
Please go here to let us know if you will help unload the pumpkins on September 30 or if we can put you on the “on call” list when we have last-minute Pumpkin Patch volunteer cancelations.
A few people are needed to head up some sub-committees for this fundraiser/outreach project, along with someone to work with Diane this year to help head up this project for next year. Please consider this, as we don’t want to see this go away. Many people in the community and surrounding areas look forward to it. See Diane Bartley, Sharon Cowden, or Pastor Hannah with any questions!