Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Safety Ministry News — Air Horns

In the event an immediate evacuation is necessary from the building, you can notify people using the Air Horns we have in place.

Throughout the church, in plain sight (but out of reach of children), you will find Marine Grade Air Horns to be used by anyone to help warn people in the church or pre-school of an immediate evacuation.

The air horn instructions are as follows:

  1. Remove can from wall mount or shelf

  2. DO NOT shake

  3. Press white button in short multiple bursts

  4. Run to the nearest exit

  5. Call 911 on your mobile phone, and notify the operators of the emergency

Air Horn Locations: Please take the time to become familiar with the locations of air horns throughout the building.

  • A/V booth in sanctuary

  • Guardian camera station in back of sanctuary

  • The mailbox cubbies across from the men’s room.

  • Parlor, behind the door on the junction box

  • Library (bookshelf behind desk) In the nursery next to the bulletin board (top, right on wall)

  • Every Sunday school classroom has one located on a top shelf of a bookcase

  • Above the fire extinguisher in the downstairs kitchen

  • Church office, next to bulletin board

  • Learning Tree classroom

  • Children’s loft bookshelf

  • Youth room bookshelf

  • Choir room bookshelf

  • Each lectern in the sanctuary