Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Seekers in Sneakers

Dear Church Family,

Here’s what happened at our “Seekers in Sneakers” vacation Bible school in August:

Early in the week, Pastor Hannah and the children sat on carpet squares in the church basement and explored the Sermon on the Mount offered by Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew. Hard questions surfaced as we studied what it means to let our lights shine.

Why do we have to love our enemies? Why do we have to share? Why do we give more than others expect? Why do I give what’s mine to them? “Why do we think Jesus asks us to do these things?” Hannah asked.

After a pause, Christian, on his way to third grade, responded, “To show them there’s a better way.”

On the final night of VBS, we spilled a mound of chocolate medals, wrapped in gold foil, on the floor and invited the kids to share them with anyone who has helped them during VBS week: parents, grandparents, volunteers, brothers, sisters, friends. The medals disappeared quickly. Not one child asked, “Can I keep one?” Not one child returned and said, “But I didn’t get one.” They learned a little about letting their lights shine. They learned a little about sharing and following a better way.

The VBS team would like to thank everyone who shined a light on the better way. Thank you to parents, grandparents, and siblings who encouraged and delivered the children each night. Thank you to those who prayed for us throughout the summer and throughout our week together.

Thank you to those who provided all that we needed,, including kayaks and electric fans.

Thank you to all who helped in advance with marketing and decorating and attending our planning meetings. Heartfelt thanks to Elizabeth and Ray from the SUMC team for meeting all our needs with faith and joy, as always.

Thank you to the guardians for your constant presence.

Thank you to those who shared the love of Jesus as squad leaders and to those who shared through our storytelling, music, science, art, recreation, snack, preschool, middle school, and registration teams.

Thank you to Jack for taking so many wonderful photos, which are now available to all of us on the church website.

Thank you to Coraopolis Flooring Service for making a special effort to cut and donate the carpet tubes, which transformed into temple columns and tropical trees.

Thank you to our partners at St. Matthews AME Zion and St. Paul’s Lutheran churches of Sewickley. Keep shining your lights.

Felicity Johnston, Grace Rogansky, Pamela Mayo, and Bill Utterback