The Clocktower Ringers Handbell Choir begin rehearsals for the upcoming season on Thursday evening, September 8th, from 6:15 - 7:15 in the sanctuary.
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The Clocktower Ringers Handbell Choir begin rehearsals for the upcoming season on Thursday evening, September 8th, from 6:15 - 7:15 in the sanctuary.
Thanks to your donations, plus $500 from the Memorial Fund, the $2000 needed to cover the additional repairs our bells so greatly need has been raised.
This special offering will be received next Sunday, August 7, for the purpose of strengthening nurture, witness, and outreach in town and rural areas.
We are having one combined worship service on July 31st at 11 am, followed by a time of lunch & fellowship, as we celebrate the start of the Sewickley Community Vacation Bible School.
We are having one combined worship service on July 31st at 11 am, followed by a time of lunch and fellowship as we celebrate the beginning of the Sewickley Community Vacation Bible School.
Your washed out cardboard drink cartons, preferably with the tops cut off, are appreciated by the Altar Committee. Please leave them in the box in the library hallway.
Our handbells were sent to be refurbished over the summer. After taking them apart, they were found to be in worse shape than we suspected. We are asking the congregation for donations to help us cover the additional cost, so the handbells may be properly repaired.
On June 12th, the United Methodist Church celebrates Peace with Justice Sunday. Donations are used to support efforts advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of local, national, and global programs
We will have one combined worship service on June 5th. St Matthew AME Zion and Sewickley UMC will be worshipping together on June 5th at 11:00 am in the Sewickley UMC sanctuary.
On Sunday, May 29, we will observe Memorial Day, a time in which we remember fallen heroes who faithfully served our country in its 246 year history.
On May 8th, we will celebrate Native American Ministries Sunday. We will partner with other UMC congregations in a special offering to support United Methodist ministries of Native Americans.
Our pets are a blessing to us, so let us gather together and bless them! Join us on May 1 at our 9:00 am or 11:00 am service. All pets are invited to come.
Rainbow Handbells for Pre-K to 3rd Grade and Chimes for 3rd Grade and up rehearse Sundays between services.
3 worship services, a continental breakfast, and an egg hunt are all part of our Easter celebration.
Per CDC guidelines, wearing masks in public places is no longer required, regardless of vaccination status. Therefore, at the guidance of the CDC and the Bishop’s office, mask wearing is optional when attending worship and other functions at Sewickley UMC.
We are so thankful to have a new nursery attendant beginning April 3rd.
This Sunday’s service will be at St. Paul’s Lutheran with Pastor Hannah bringing the message.
To sponsor flowers to adorn the chancel on Easter, you may order online here on or before Wednesday, April 6.
The imposition of ashes will be available at Wolcott Park, and there will be a 6 pm service at St. Matthews AME Zion. Pastor Hannah is preaching.
The Handbell Choir is looking for a couple more people to ring with us.