Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Foundations: I Believe in the Bible

I do not believe there has been any other piece of literature in all of history that has brought more death and more divide than the Bible. From wars that have been fought over differences in interpretation to families that have been divided over the same thing. We clearly miss the point of scripture when we allow it to drive us to evils such as the above. The Word of God is meant to give life, instruction, healing and correction but all covered by grace. The Bible is simply pages with ink upon it until it is written onto our hearts by the Holy Spirit and lived out as a witness to the world of who God is. The Bible is both powerful and powerless. The Bible is both historical and relevant. The Bible is both like taking and life giving. As no other book in all of history has brought such death, no other book in all of history has brought such life. I have found not only God within the written word but I have also found myself.