Sewickley United Methodist Church

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It is so much fun to watch our baby boy grow. We love watching the stages he goes through to learn something we take for granted, like walking. First, he learned to roll over, then swim around like a beached whale on his belly. Next he started pushing himself up on his hands and even bringing his knees under him. We know that the next stage will be crawling, before he starts pulling himself up on his legs and walking. It is important that he goes through every phase before he gets to the goal of walking. In this way, his foundation is being made strong, along with his ability to figure things out. As Christians who have the breath of God within us, we too go through stages to get to a real and lasting Spiritual maturity. But if we never put the foundational work in, we will never get there. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that leads us through!

Photo by george.bremer