Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Sunset Prayer for August

August begins with our “Seekers in Sneakers” vacation Bible school and moves quickly toward the first days of school.

College students are returning to campus.

High school students return to the marching band and football, soccer, volleyball, golf, tennis, and cross country teams before stepping into classrooms.

Educators and parents prepare for new schedules and new challenges.

Let’s pray into all the windows God opens for us in August.

On Aug. 4, as the sun sets around 8:31 p.m., from wherever you are, with whoever wants to join you, let’s pray into vacation Bible school and the first days of the 2024-25 school year.

Let’s ask God to use our VBS week to let the children know they are loved and valued. Lord, let them know you have a plan to grow them as they listen and ask questions (Monday), as they let their light shine (Tuesday), as they learn to serve others (Wednesday), and as they grow to know that you will protect and provide for them, in the new school year and always (Thursday).

Lord, while you are blessing the children, will you please bless their families and everyone on the VBS team.

Bless the students returning to college, and bless their families.

Bless the students returning to high school and middle school, and bless their families.

Bless the students returning to primary school and pre-schools, and bless their families.

Bless all the educators and administrators, as well as all those who support children and youth throughout their school days.

Lord, we know that as we seek you through VBS week and into the new school year, you are seeking ways to share your Light and Love with us. We thank you for your constant presence and unimaginable availability. Amen.