Sewickley United Methodist Church

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August 2018

For twelve years, we passed it almost weekly. Often, I would say we need to stop and try this place out. We admired the outside and often commented on the beautiful hanging baskets filled with pretty pink petunias. But for a variety of reasons, we just drove by and wondered and admired from afar. Finally, this past week, I decided we were going to do it; we were going to take the time and stop. I pulled into Punk’s ice cream stand. I got my usual, a small chocolate cone, only this time, I had it dipped in chocolate. Nancy got her usual, a small vanilla cone. Wow! I am so glad we stopped. The ice cream was so creamy and flavorful. I can’t believe for twelve long years we have been missing out on a very tasty treat.

Have you ever thought of doing something but kept putting it off? You, no doubt, have
had good reasons as to why you have been putting it off: not enough time, never done
it that way before, it may take me out of my comfort zone, or just never got around to it. But like me, maybe you are missing out on something really wonderful by procrastinating.

Perhaps God has been nudging you to attend one of our Sunday School classes. Maybe you have thought of joining one of our many small groups: Chancel Choir, bell choir, Bible study, Kid’s Night Out, a mission team, brass ensemble. Or maybe you have been toying with the idea of getting involved in one of the many programs the church has to offer: United Methodist Women, youth group, teach Sunday School, join the liturgist team, help at the pumpkin patch or haunted house, help with the monthly luncheons. God may be whispering in your ear that now is the time to get involved on one of the committees to help carry out the mission of the church.

What have you been thinking of doing but, like me, have just put it off for much too long? Twelve long years I have been missing out on Punk’s delicious ice cream. Next time, I think I will have to try their hot fudge sundae, with chocolate ice cream, of course. I am not going to make the same mistake and just drive by for the next twelve years.

What wonderful blessings, joy and fulfillment are you missing out on because you have not taken the time or have not taken the step to make the commitment?

You will never know until you make the decision to take action.

Pastor Russel