Sewickley United Methodist Church

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You Are On The List

Have you ever been disappointed? Really disappointed? Of course you have… as have I.

Long… long ago… long before I realized I can’t sing a note… can’t carry a tune in a paper bag to save my life, I tried out for chorus. I was in the 5th grade. Mrs. Pandolph called each student up to stand beside her and sing while she played the piano.

In preparation for the tryouts, I practiced and practiced. My friend, Peewee, who lived across the street, was a year older and was in chorus. We rode our bikes up and down the streets singing… “This Land is your land… this land is my land….”

We sang and sang. Finally, the day for tryouts came. I took my turn and then waited. The names of those who made it would be posted the following week.

I could hardly wait. Finally… finally… the long awaited day came. Mrs. Troup, my 5th grade teacher, posted the names of those who made it… she hung the list on the side of her desk.

All of the students rushed up to see if their names appeared. People were laughing with joy as they found their names.

Finally, it was my turn… I read each name carefully. They appeared in alphabetical order, I got to the S’s, and my name wasn’t there. I looked again; maybe I missed it. Nope! I wasn’t on the list. I didn’t make it. I was soooo disappointed.

Maybe you have had a similar experience, maybe you tried out for a school play or musical and eagerly… anxiously waited for the cast to be posted… hoping your name would appear… maybe the lead role… but your name didn’t appear.

Or maybe it was for a sports team. I won’t even begin to go there!

Have you ever had that experience of hoping against hope that your name would appear… and that you made it? Only to discover your name was not on the list! :(

It is devastating, isn’t it?

During this time of uncertainty, during this time when our lives are turned upside down, we all need some good news. Oh, do I have good news for you!

According to the apostle Paul, every one of our names belongs on a list.

We are all “God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved.”

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

And straight from Jesus’s mouth we hear…

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

Give thanks this day, for you made it… you are on the list… Jesus’s list… through grace and mercy. 

Pastor Russel

Photo by makeshiftlove