Sewickley United Methodist Church

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November 2021

On Thanksgiving Day, you can find about 40 of us gathered in my Aunt’s farmhouse about to demolish the Thanksgiving meal laid out in front of us buffet style. But first… prayer. This is the most chaotic part of the whole night. Trying to gather the 40 of us, including small, hungry, and antsy children, into one space to hold hands and to pray is a miracle within itself. Typically, my dad is the one to offer the prayer. Not only is he long-winded, but he always insists on us going around the circle and naming something we are thankful for. When he really wants to punish us, we have to go around twice. Meanwhile, the smell of the food is teasing us, and a stomach growl or two can be heard throughout the entire house. The truth is, the time of thanksgiving is our favorite part of the night. We cannot make it even halfway around the circle once before the tears are flowing and the laughter is rolling. As we stand before each other, it is nearly impossible to not be overcome with emotions and a deep sense of gratitude.

Psalm 100 says this, “Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth! Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”

During the month of November, I offer you this challenge: Enter into the presence of the Lord, and give thanks. You can enter into God’s presence by simply thinking about God. You can enter into God’s presence by
reading the Bible. You can enter into God’s presence by listening to any music that moves your body and soul. You can enter into God’s presence by simply just being and acknowledging that God simply is, too. When you are there, I challenge you to thank God for something. Maybe you are there and are standing at attention and are prepared with a list of thanksgiving. Maybe you are there and are rolling around on the floor kicking and screaming and finding it difficult to think of one thing you are thankful for. Maybe you are somewhere in between. These are all acceptable places to be. Whichever one is you, in your Spirit right now, just put yourself in the presence of God, and give thanks. These two powerful acts combined, when done daily, are guaranteed to shift your heart to focus on what is good and to set you free from that which has threatened to steal your joy.

I give thanks today for you. I give thanks for the conversations we have had. I give thanks for the permission you have given me to be in the most sacred parts of your life. I give thanks for the worship we have when we are together. I give thanks for the Spirit of hospitality that is present at this church, even when no one else is. I give thanks that God has allowed my family and me to move to Sewickley. I give thanks that God allows me to serve you. And I give thanks for my cool, new pair of shoes!

Enter God’s presence, and give thanks!

From one light to another,
Pastor Hannah Loughman

Photo by anjanettew