Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Fellowship of the Cross Activities

The FOTC youth are selling gift tags of various sizes, colors and themes from recycled Christmas cards. Gift tags will be available on tables in the narthex and in the hallway between the sanctuary and the Simpson Room before, between, and after worship services in December. Proceeds from gift tag sales go toward shipping costs for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and FOTC service projects for 2020.

FOTC will lead a Christmas caroling mission to the shut-in members of our Sewickley United Methodist Church family after the worship services on December 15th. We expect to leave the church parking lot at 1:45 pm and return around 4:30 pm. Church family & friends are invited to join us as we carpool to some private residences and finish the day in the halls of the Masonic Village. Please let Pamela Mayo, Bill Utterback or any of the FOTC youth know if you intend to join us –

Leading up to caroling, we will be collecting and packing gift bags for the people we visit on December 15th. Please consider donating small gifts or treats for the gift bags or, if you prefer, making a monetary donation and letting the FOTC team shop for you. Suggested contributions include notecards, tea bags, fruit, candy, sugar-free & sugared cookies, soaps, lotions, puzzle books, and pens. Gifts for the men are emphasized, as they are the most difficult to buy for. Donations must be made by the morning of December 15th so your gifts can be packed and delivered later that afternoon.

And, finally, The Fellowship of the Cross would like to thank our church family for supporting our 2019 Operation Christmas Child campaign (101 boxes were delivered to the OCC collection site on November 24) and our Ornaments4Orphans drive (all proceeds go to artist and children’s needs in impoverished areas of Africa, Nepal and Peru). Your generosity and your passion for helping His children around the world lifts and leads us, always. We would also like to thank everyone who contributed to the care packages for 20 college students, which should arrive in time to lift them through their exams this month.