For behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
For behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
It is spring. That means it is time to clean out your cupboards, closets, and storage areas in order to donate gently used items that you no longer use or need to the UWF spring fundraiser for missions.
All are invited to participate in the monthly Prayer Group meeting. The April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9th, at 10:00 am in the parlor.
Please join us for Game Night on Friday, April 25, 2025, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Simpson Room.
On April 26th, at 7:00 pm, our Youth Group will meet and enjoy a spring-filled night with a movie, plant potting, and Growing in Faith!
The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the SUMC youth group/confirmation class, is as follows: first-responders.
This Tuesday, March 25, our Witness Committee will be holding a Community Prayer Gathering regarding how governmental policies are affecting immigration. We will be gathering in the front lawn of the church at 7:00 pm.
The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the 11:00 am Children’s Church group, is as follows: “Friends.”
All are welcome to participate in a four-week series on United Methodist history each Tuesday evening, April 29 through May 20, beginning at 6:00 pm in the Simpson Room.
All are welcome to attend the United Women in Faith (UWF) Spring Day Apart Meeting. Our local UWF unit will host UWF units from throughout the Pittsburgh District on April 5th.
Saturday, March 22, 12:00–2:00 pm
Sewickley has a vibrant Black History that is often unknown. Join us as we visit the many sites that are part of this often overlooked History of Sewickley.
March, what good happens in March? In January, we have New Years Day and the excitement of a new year. In February, it is Black History Month and the celebration of love. April showers bring May flowers, which to me sings of hope, especially since it is often when we celebrate Easter. But what about March?
When playing cards, there always seems to be that one person at the table who has a hard time holding their cards close. If they are sitting next to you, this is particularly challenging. You don’t want to see their cards. You don’t want to cheat, but it is really difficult to even look past them or in their general direction without getting a glimpse of what they have.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if new seasons, new projects, new relationships, new visions, new missions, new treatment plans, new weight loss journeys, new, better, mental health practices, new financial fitness goals, new (you fill in the blank) things started with the overwhelming expectation that Jesus was going to show up!?
A presidential election is approaching. But as I try to summon the energy and imagination to pray into it, my heart keeps taking me in another direction.
In thinking of Michael this week, I made an embarrassing realization. I never made an effort to see what Mike needed or if there was anything a Sunday school teacher could do to better engage with autistic children. I didn’t move to make myself more aware. Could I make my classroom more comfortable for him? Could I introduce activities that would serve his strengths and likes? Could I be more aware of his sensory triggers and the paths to restoring his peace?
August begins with our “Seekers in Sneakers” vacation Bible school and moves quickly toward the first days of school.