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 Movie Night

Movie Night

On April 26th, at 7:00 pm, our Youth Group will meet and enjoy a spring-filled night with a movie, plant potting, and Growing in Faith!

ADD1 Prayer for Lent

ADD1 Prayer for Lent

The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the 9:00 am Children’s church kids, is as follows: “Children.”

Mother’s Day Preparations

Mother’s Day Preparations

We are starting to prepare for Mother’s Day, and we want you to be a part of the service!

Tuesday Lenten Devotion

Tuesday Lenten Devotion

Join us Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the Simpson Room for our Lenten Bible Study.

VBS Meeting

VBS Meeting

All are invited to the Education team’s VBS meeting on March 2nd. We will gather in the Simpson Room shortly after the 11:00 am service.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation classes for youth in grades 6–12, are set to begin Sunday, March 9th, at noon in the Simpson Room.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation classes for youth in grades 6–12 are set to begin Sunday, March 9th, at noon in the Simpson Room.

Education Committee

Education Committee

We are excited to invite kids and youth to participate in our special Mother’s Day service on May 11.

2025 Spiritual Retreat

2025 Spiritual Retreat

It is not too early to plan on attending a 2025 spiritual retreat at Olmsted Manor.

Thank You

Thank You

Many notes of thanks for what our church members are doing both within and outside our walls.

Ministry Updates

Ministry Updates

Keeping you up to date on what our ministries have been doing and what they are planning to do in 2025.

New Members Class

New Members Class

There will be a new members class beginning on January 26th and ending on March 2nd.

Seekers in Sneakers

Seekers in Sneakers

Here’s what happened at our “Seekers in Sneakers” vacation Bible school in August.

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Back to School!

Starting on September 8th, Children’s Church and Youth Group will be back underway. We are looking for additional volunteers who are interested in being a second volunteer in the Nursery, with Children’s Church, Fellowship of the Cross, or Youth Group.

Christian Education Sunday

Christian Education Sunday

On Sunday, September 15th, there will be a special offering received for the purpose of supporting the educational ministries of the Western PA Conference, which include training, resources, and laity scholarships.

3rd Grade Bibles

3rd Grade Bibles

This Sunday, September 8, the Library Committee and SUMC family will recognize our 3rd graders with Bibles.

Back to School Lawn Party!

Back to School Lawn Party!

Children and youth (preschool through high school) are invited to join the Education team for a “Back to School” party on the church lawn between services (10:00 am) on August 25th.

Thank You!

Thank You!

The Children’s Ministry team would like to thank everyone who has helped us engage with the children through the summer.