Barbara Bower and Liz Giglia
In 2025, we plan to continue to support many of SUMC’s traditional Outreach projects, including the Sewickley Community Food Pantry and various ministries in the Northview Heights neighborhood in Pittsburgh—primarily the Northside Food Pantry produce distribution program coordinated by Sharon Cowden and Church Union’s Kidcelerate programs at The Bridge (formerly Bethany House).
We also plan on alerting members about ways they can support the Mission Barn and UMCOR’s domestic and foreign humanitarian relief operations.
The biggest and most exciting addition to Outreach is the creation of the El Buen Vecino ministry. Liz Giglia is leading this project. The Home Goods closet is under construction and should soon be operational. There are also plans to establish an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program for members of local communities who need help with their English language skills and a Spanish language program for SUMC members who want to learn how to communicate more effectively with our Spanish-speaking neighbors. Though we expect that Spanish speakers will be the primary users of El Buen Vecino services, the program will be open to immigrants of all nationalities and language backgrounds.
Felicity Johnston and Grace Rogansky
Our children and youth ministries finished the 2023-24 school year with 25 students—Pre-K through middle school—contributing to our worship services on Mother’s Day. We had more than 22 students from the SUMC church family participate in our Community VBS. We have had more than 35 students—Pre-K through middle school—participating in Children’s church, Fellowship of the Cross, and/or junior bells since the start of the 2023-24 school year. High schoolers Evarett, Elliett, Ben W., Ben H., Willa, and Clara have been a contributing presence throughout the year and into the fall. We’ve had more than 40 students—Pre-K through 12—involved in our ministries this fall. We’re growing!
We experimented with children’s programming in the summer, hosting a clocktower climb and two lawn parties between services that were fun and well-attended. We will continue to look for fellowship opportunities for children in the summer and throughout the year.
We said goodbye to Andrea Lewis after many years of extraordinary leadership with our 11:00 am Children’s Church team and welcomed Dan Fisher to lead a re-imagined CC program during the traditional worship service.
The youth group celebrated its first anniversary in November with an overnight lock-in in November. This group, led by Felicity and Johnathan, continues to grow—in numbers and in vision—as we step into a new year.
Fellowship of the Cross contributed 149 shoe boxes to Operation Christmas child: 102 from the SUMC family and a record-breaking 47 from the community. We reached 21 college students with “care packages” during finals week in December, and we continued to sponsor a student through the Nyadire Connection in Zimbabwe. We’ve sent cards to our shut-ins almost every month.
Jr Clocktower Ringers, led by Grace and Ben W., began the new year with everyone playing chimes, which requires some degree of reading music. The group currently has 15 ringers in grades preK–6 (In the past, with rainbow bells, the youngest children responded to colors and letters, rather than musical notes on the stave). The most experienced musicians are introduced to new and more challenging music and have already played several pieces from the adult bell choir’s repertoire.
In the nursery, we said goodbye to Shayla, a favorite with children and adults, as she graduated from high school, and welcomed Rachel, who has been a blessing through her first few months. She’s taken ownership of the space, creating bulletin boards and decorating with the children to make the space more welcoming. We’re also grateful to Amanda for her energy and support and for the way she built a volunteer list.
For 2025, we are planning to focus on creating educational spaces for all ages that are safe and inclusive and offering more adult education opportunities. We are also going to become more aware of, and responsive to, the needs of the neurodivergent members of our SUMC family, and we intend to include input from parents and others as we seek to make our programs more accessible and impactful for everyone.
Library Committee
Sandra Lane
We have been slowly coming together as a team with new members on board and more opportunities to work together as we prep the library’s new look.
Next committee meeting is December 9 to wrap Christmas ornaments for our church family and have a little year-end party to celebrate.
We plan to lay out a step by step quarterly plan of our next steps, including a projected end date!! Stay tuned.
Learning Tree
Sandra Lane
A great year overall. Our new 2 co-chair leadership has been a seamless transition.
Enrollment has been below our goal, but God has His reasons. This year, we have a couple of kiddos that need extra attention, and the smaller class size has been a blessing.
A successful pepperoni roll fundraiser and a dip into our reserve savings will make it possible for the school to take steps to remove the current 25+ year old carpet and install new vinyl flooring. We have contracted the same company that laid down the flooring in the nursery. We will be using 20 mil commercial grade, so it will likely be around for the next 40+ years. The preschool is, and always has been, a good steward of their space.
Safety and Security
Sandra Lane
Window coverings or glass block windows will be a goal for 2025.
Growing the Guardian team with at least 4–6 new members will also be a priority.
Building & Maintenance
Sandra Lane
Giving thanks to Ray who is always at the ready to take on small tasks here and there. We have already begun to chip away at our task list.
Lots of hope for change in 2025 when it comes to the aesthetics of some spaces. Lower level bathrooms, door refurbishment at the top of the list. In addition to caring for the basics such as fire exit signs and a fresh layer of mulch on the playground.
Witness Committee
Susie Moffett
2024 was a year that brought growth and new purpose to the Witness Committee. We had a great turnout from SUMC at the Pride parade in Pittsburgh back in June, and many of us helped to share the love of Jesus at the festival by assisting at First United Methodist’s booth. The Haunted House had a record-setting year earning over $7,000 and bringing nearly 600 people into our space. We closed out the year with a planning meeting for 2025 where we laid out plans for a series of prayer vigils to show our support of people struggling with a variety of issues. Our first vigil is planned for December 21st at 5:00 pm in memory of those who have lost their lives to gun violence. Other vigils will focus on anti-racism work, addiction recovery, celebration of our LGBTQIA+ siblings, and anti-bullying/school violence. Our hope is that we can surround our community in prayer as we learn more about supporting those around us.