A Great Big Thank You

Kelly Herman, whether you are on the stage leading worship or behind the scenes directing a group of unruly adults and amazing children, your patience and generosity with your gifts is inspiring. Thank you for directing this year’s Christmas Pageant and using the gifts God has given you to bless us and others!


Thank you to everyone who donated gifts and warm clothing to the children at Kidcelerate. Over 35 children will have a brighter, warmer Christmas because of your generosity. Walking the Talk donated some additional gifts so that the children who recently joined Kidcelerate’s after-school program will have gifts too. The staff greatly appreciates SUMC’s longstanding support of the Kidcelerate/Bethany House programs. A thank you card that was sent by those at Kidcelerate is posted on the bulletin board as you enter the Narthex.

The Night Jesus Looked Down on Sewickley United Methodist Church

There he saw a group of men, women, and children in the hallway by the coat racks and bathrooms. Some of us meeting only the second time. But we were all in one accord with what Jesus had for us to do. And only with his help. We all worked together to show the community that God is here with us. And I hope each one of us, no matter how old or young we were this night, that it will leave a lasting memory on you as it will on me. I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for being there with Jesus looking down on us. May God bless you.

In God’s service,
Wilma Hamilton

Dear SUMC Family,

As God surveyed the world-changing events in Bethlehem, he decided he wanted something beyond a silent night. The story needed a soundtrack, and he called for glorious music. We were blessed to hear extraordinary echoes of that angelic host throughout December from our brothers and sisters at Sewickley United Methodist. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our music ministries throughout December. The performances on Light-Up Night, in the Christmas concert at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, throughout our “Radio J-O-Y” pageant, and on Christmas Eve were inspiring and encouraging and elevated the peace and presence of Jesus throughout the season. The Junior Clocktower ringers were enchanting in their December performance.

Leap of Faith, as they are throughout the year, were incredibly imaginative and energetic and emphatic in the ways they share the joy of Christmas with us on Sundays and on Christmas Eve.

I don’t have an exact count, but I know there were at least 50 of us—children, youth, young adults, and not-as-young adults—sharing in music ministry in December.

We are blessed by the leadership of Pastor Hannah, who encourages and creates incredible space for music in our worship opportunities. We are blessed by the leadership of Kelly and Erik, our worship leaders. We are blessed by the venerable Clocktower Ringers and the newly-imagined Wesleyan Voices of Sewickley. We are blessed by those who have contributed to music ministries for years and for those who joined for the first time at Christmas. We are blessed by everyone who turned to a friend and said, “You need to be part of this. You have something to offer.”

And did you notice the glorious “grand slam” achieved by Pamela Mayo over three days in December? She played piano to accompany the pageant, keyboards with Leap of Faith, chimes with the Clocktower Ringers, and added vocals to the choir.

Applause! Applause!

From a children’s ministry perspective, it is incredibly encouraging for the youngest in our church family to see so many people contributing to worship in so many ways. And they can see that there’s a place for them now, and there will be a place as they move through middle school and high school, when they return from college, when they graduate from college, and beyond. In our music ministries, all are welcome

Bill Utterback & the SUMC Education Committee

A Note of Gratitude

Hello Sewickley UMC Family,

Wow, can you believe it’s already been a year since I joined you as Director of Music Ministries? Time really does fly when you’re making a joyful noise! I want to send a huge heartfelt “thank you” to everyone involved in Wesleyan Voices and the Clocktower Ringers. Each of you has brought so much energy, talent, and love to our worship services—thank you for enhancing worship with a musical celebration!

This past year has been full of blessings, including the arrival of our fabulous new piano (I hope you’re all enjoying its beautiful sound as much as I am!). And there’s so much more to look forward to as we keep the momentum going here at Sewickley UMC. We’ll be finishing our organ restoration—just think how grand that’s going to sound in our sanctuary—and upgrading our AV system so our music can reach even more folks. I’m also thrilled to announce the launch of the Charles Wesley Music Foundation, a project close to my heart that will further amplify the power of music in our community.

Additionally, I’m excited about new opportunities to collaborate with Leap of Faith as we continue finding creative ways to share God’s love through music. Their passion and enthusiasm will help us reach even more people with our joyful sounds.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and enthusiasm this past year. I’m truly blessed to serve a church family that believes so strongly in the transforming power of music. Here’s to another year of singing, ringing, and praising together!

With joy and gratitude,
Erik Kolodziej
Director of Music Ministries

Photo by _Faraz