March, what good happens in March? In January, we have New Years Day and the excitement of a new year. In February, it is Black History Month and the celebration of love. April showers bring May flowers, which to me sings of hope, especially since it is often when we celebrate Easter. But what about March? It is cold still; the winter is feeling long, and there isn’t much to look forward to. Seasonal depression is in full swing, and things tend to look a bit bleak, even with a day of green for St. Patrick’s Day. What is there to look forward to in March?

Sometimes it gets tough when there is nothing exciting on the horizon. There aren’t any birthday parties, weddings, or new babies to look forward to. Nothing to plan or to attend, just everyday life. Though the solidness of routine can come with gratitude, the monotony of routine can tempt us to look for ways to make things a little more exciting. Sometimes those “ways” are not always healthy ones. This is why I want to challenge you to truly pick a spiritual discipline this Lenten season. Oh, yes, Lent starts in March! That is exciting, right? After all, this is a time meant to help bring us closer to Jesus. And it can do just that, if you choose a spiritual discipline to commit to. What this discipline will do is train you to be able to see God, hear God, sense God in everyday life. You will be able to recognize God in the person across the table from you. You will be able to recognize God in the grocery store. You will be able to recognize God in the cold and the rain. You will be able to recognize God within yourself. You will even be able to recognize God in our current political environment. And we need that ability!

There are a variety of disciplines you can engage in that help you to do this. For example, get up 20 minutes early each day and read a chapter in Luke. That is the gospel we will be working from over Lent. While eating lunch, commit to listening to your favorite worship music. Leap of Faith is a great band and can be found on Spotify and many other places. Download Lectio365 on your phone and listen to at least one of the devotions each day. The options are endless. The whole point is to make space within yourself that grants hospitality to the Holy Spirit and readjust your perspective on things. As much as we live life by the “big moments” and look for God to move in “big ways,” the truth is, God is most often found in the monotony of our everyday. Jesus certainly did some great big things when he came to earth, but the biggest of all was being with us in our everyday life.

If you need a little more help picking out a Spiritual Discipline that is right for you, reach out to me. I would love to help guide you on this wonderful adventure!

From one light to another,
Pastor Hannah Loughman