UMCOR and its partners are responding to disasters in the United States and around the world. Please join us in prayer for the affected areas and consider giving to UMCOR Disaster Response to support these efforts. 

The United Methodist Committee on Relief is in close connection with the annual conferences responding to severe weather in the midwestern United States. The Great Plains Conference was awarded a $10,000 solidarity grant, and assessments have begun on how to best support relief efforts as they develop.  Assessments are ongoing in the Iowa conference, as well. Once weather permits, assessments will begin in the Dakotas, Wisconsin and Mountain Sky conferences. UMCOR awaits reports from other partners as they work with other district and state response teams. Meanwhile, recovery efforts in the Alabama-West Florida Conference continue after the March 3 tornado outbreak. UMCOR sent a trailer of supplies and issued a $10,000 solidarity grant immediately after the storm. 

Recovery efforts continue in areas hit by storms in 2018, as UMCOR’s work goes beyond immediate relief efforts. WPAUMC and UMCOR websites give up-to-date information on all responses and on opportunities to volunteer.

Internationally, UMCOR is also working with partners in the Mozambique area and in the Congo. 

UMCOR Sunday, celebrated on March 30th, provides the operating funds for UMCOR, allowing every dollar donated for a specific cause to be directed to that. To give to assist with current disaster response and recovery efforts, please indicate UMCOR (if you want your gift directed specifically to Domestic (USA) or International relief, please mark accordingly; otherwise, the Outreach Committee will decide on designation). You may include with your regular offering, or you may use EasyTithe.