UMCOR Disaster Response
While arks are not quite needed, there has been substantial flooding in a number of USA areas, as well as tornados. The Outreach Committee chair happened to be seeking out information about a church friend from 1976—Lucinda’s family had lived in Moon Township military housing , but then were stationed in Alaska and Kansas. Lucinda, her mom, and her three sisters remain in Kansas (her father died many years ago). One of the sisters—Renee—had horrifying Facebook pictures of the flooding in her community, which was shut off by the flood waters two weeks ago. Renee’s family was safe, as their farm sits on a hill. More flooding has occurred in Kansas in recent days, with dams and levees in danger of failure. Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and other areas have been hit hard, and more storms were expected over Memorial Day Weekend. Our USA neighbors will need UMCOR’s help to recover from these storms. The summer storm season has not even arrived!
A tractor trailer truck of UMCOR cleaning kits and hygiene kits went out from our Eastbrook Mission Barn in the middle of May, headed to the main UMCOR depot in Sager Brown, LA. In response to the many weather-related disasters in recent weeks, UMCOR, the UMC’s relief agency, has been assessing needs and has issued initial grants to a number of areas. It is only through the generosity of you and others that UMCOR is able to respond to the many needs. To aid in the long-term recovery efforts necessitated by the recent and future disasters, please consider making a donation to UMCOR, either with your regular offering or via EasyTithe (mark or select UMCOR). UMCOR is often the first agency to respond and the last to leave, many times working on recovery for years after the disaster.