On this worldwide day of unity, the offering benefits World Communion Scholarships, the Ethnic Scholarship Program, and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program.  

The scholarship helped Annie Solis Escalante, who is from Peru, complete a master’s degree in social management. After graduation, she put her education to use by developing projects with the Health and Healing Program of the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

The Rev. Nickie Moreno Howard received the Journey Toward Ordained Ministry Scholarship. In addition to financial support, Moreno Howard, a Texas native of Mexican heritage, was mentored and met others experiencing similar life struggles. Following her graduation, she became a JTOM mentor, supporting a new class of scholars.

Please give generously to this special offering, which often enables first-generation students to attend college. You may mark your gift accordingly or choose “World Communion” on EasyTithe.
