Thanks to everyone for their patience as we’ve been working out the bugs in our live streaming setup. It’s been a complicated process to get all the AV inputs, new software, and networking issues resolved, but I think we’ve got it all working now.

Many people have asked why we have transitioned to do a live stream of the worship service, rather than the pre-recorded videos we’ve been doing since March. The short answer is time! It was taking 3-5 hours a week to record all the pieces of the service, then Genevieve would spend 8-10 hours editing every week in order to make a video that was enjoyable to watch. By switching to live streaming, our choir and praise band are able to use their weekly meetings to practice again, and Genevieve has her Thursdays and Fridays back. The other advantage to doing a live stream of the service is that we will be able to actually worship together at the same time! What a wonderful thing it is to be able to participate in worship together, even if we are in different locations.

As we move forward with the live stream ministry, we will need a few other people to get trained on the system so we can ensure that someone is available every week to run things. This is a great opportunity for teens who would like to get some technical experience or anyone who likes playing around with electronics. It is relatively straight forward, but definitely something that will take some training. If you are interested in learning more, please email Susie Moffett. Thanks!