Dear Sewickley UMC,

Thank you for all the kindness you sent our way.

Linda Rummens and family

To The People Of Sewickley United Methodist Church,

I want to personally congratulate and thank your congregation for demonstrating your faithfulness to our United Methodist connection by paying 100% of your apportionment covenant in 2019. By fulfilling your commitment, the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference once again was able to pay 100% of our jurisdictional and general church ministry shares. Through sacrifice and commitment, with God's grace, our annual conference makes a difference in people's lives and demonstrates Jesus' love locally and around the world.

Your gifts, along with those of many other faithful congregations, support vital ministry and mission. One example that we have seen often in the past few years is the work of our UMCOR-trained disaster response coordinators and volunteers who partner with local churches and other organizations to provide hands-on emergency relief and long-term support when disaster strikes, demonstrating God's love in times of uncertainty. In 2019, the need was great in the U.S. and abroad after tornadoes and flooding in Alabama, Ohio and the Midwest, destruction by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, wildfires in California, deadly Cyclone Idai in parts of Zimbabwe and Malawi and an earthquake in the Philippines.

Our apportioned giving also provides support and training for those who respond to God's call upon their lives by serving as lay servant ministers, ordained clergy, local pastors or missionaries.

What we do together as United Methodists is far more than any one congregation can do by itself. Your commitment through apportioned giving makes you a significant partner in the connection of the church we can all celebrate. We are truly blessed by our connection.

I praise God for the faithfulness of His people. I thank God for the ministries that have been supported and the disciples that will be made because of your faithful giving.

Cynthia Moore-Koikoi Resident Bishop

Dear Friend in Ministry,

I am pleased to let you know that through collaboration with the Conference Board of Trustees, additional funding has been secured to provide a second round of Communication Enhancement Grants. The Trustees have approved additional funding for those churches that did not initially receive grants. Having recently completed several significant repair and maintenance projects, the Trustees felt that adequate reserves are in place going forward, so a portion of their funds from the sale of closed and abandoned churches could be used to support the revitalization or enhancement of local church ministry. With these additional funds, your church will receive a Communication Enhancement Grant of $1000.

Take care,
Roger White, Treasurer
Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference United Methodist Church

Dear Sewickley United Methodist Church,

Thank you so much for your assistance and understanding during this time of pandemic. The monies and supplies donated to the school will help in so many ways. The lost tuition and the added costs of providing appropriate safety materials were overwhelming. It was such a gift to receive the amount donated and know that school will be able to continue to provide preschool opportunities to children in the area. To know that the teachers and students will be able to learn, play and bond in the unique setting that preschool affords our youngsters.

The preschool is such a part of my heart having had all 4 of my children attend (or currently enrolled) in the programs. The church has been so helpful and understanding of all of the needs the preschool has presented this year and in the past. Please know that we are so grateful for the community that houses our program and very thankful for the people that help provide that community.

Kelsey Monyok
President, Learning Tree Board of Directors

Dear Sewickley United Methodist Church:

On behalf of Rural King and our associates, we would like to thank you for your participation in Church Week 2020. We know this year has been filled with much uncertainty and unprecedented times, but we are grateful for the continued Kingdom work that you, as Christian leaders, are doing. It is a privilege to partner with you in giving back to the communities you serve. We know it is because of your dedicated patrons, who took the time to register and make a purchase, that this support is given to you and your mission. We hope you receive this donation from your community members, and an additional contribution from us, totaling $100, and it brings joy to your organization and those you serve.

Sincerely and God Bless,
Alex and Meghan Melvin
Rural King

Dear Friends in Mission,

Thank you!

The dear people you just helped with your gift to UMCOR may never have the opportunity to meet you, but if they did, I am certain their response would be - Thank you!

Since 1940, UMCOR has served as the humanitarian agency of The United Methodist Church, providing disaster response and relief to areas impacted by natural and man-made disasters around the world. And through your financial support, you are serving within a vital network of interactive relationships as UMCOR responds to increasingly-frequent and destructive storms - sharing 100% of donated funds with those in need!

Together, may we continue to reveal the love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate genuine love for our neighbors.

Grace and Peace,
Roland Fernandes, General Secretary