SUMC is teaming up with the American Cancer Society and Sewickley Relay for Life to raise funds through daffodil and tulip sales. Until February 19th, you may place your order via the sign-up sheets in the back of the sanctuary and in the Simpson Room or by emailing Martha Boward. Payment must be made prior to February 19th, as well. The following are available:
For a $10 donation, receive one bunch of daffodils
For a $15 donation, receive potted mini-daffodils
For a $15 donation, receive one bunch of assorted, colorful tulips
For a $25 donation, you may opt to have volunteers deliver a Gift of Hope (daffodils) to a local hospital.
Make checks payable to Sewickley UMC; clearly mark all payments “Daffodils”. Deadline to order is February 19th; Pick up from Sewickley UMC will be announced when set (most likely during the week of March 23rd).