The Fellowship of the Cross youth have launched our 10th annual Operation Christmas Child campaign. Each of the shoeboxes is delivered with literature celebrating Jesus and an invitation to attend classes to learn more about Jesus and His love for all of us.

FOTC hasn’t set a goal for 2020, and we’re not sure that safe distancing protocols will allow for a packing party in late September, but we will persist through the uncertainty.

Through September, we are collecting the following gift items:

  • Health and personal care items such as bar soap, washcloths, toothbrushes, adhesive bandages, combs, hairbrushes, hair accessories, socks, and sunglasses

  • School supplies such as crayons and markers, pens and colored pencils, pencil sharpeners and erasers, scissors and glue sticks, and notebooks that fit easily into a shoebox

  • “Wow” toys, including balls, stuffed animals, and jewelry 

FOTC keeps a donation box in the narthex.

Operation Christmas Child does not accept toothpaste, any liquids (including shampoo), candy, or war-related items such as toy guns or knives.

This year, for those who’d prefer not to shop, there is an Operation Christmas Child option on the EasyTithe menu available through the church website. Financial contributions can also be made through the offering and church office, or through Bill Utterback, Pamela Mayo, or any FOTC youth. Make checks to SUMC with “OCC” in the memo line.

FOTC is asking everyone in the SUMC family to lift our OCC campaign in prayer.