The Fellowship of the Cross is inviting everyone into our Operation Christmas Child packing opportunities in October. We will be gathering in the Sunday school rooms to pack shoeboxes from 10 am – 1 pm on Saturday, October 23, and again from 10 am – 1 pm on Sunday, October 24. Children will be given an opportunity to pack boxes during Children's Church in the worship services on October 24.

FOTC will be accepting OCC gift contributions through October 18, and those contributions can be brought to the collection bin outside the church office. We are most in need of “wow” gifts: toys, balls, stuffed animals, dolls, ball caps, and sunglasses. We are thankful and encouraged and continually blessed by the SUMC family’s heart for God’s children and the spirit of sharing His Love and His Light in difficult times.

Financial gifts are accepted throughout the year and help cover shipping costs and any shoebox needs that are unmet. We will shop for you! You can make financial gifts to OCC through the church office or offering, marking those gifts “OCC,” or by choosing the Operation Christmas Child option on the electronic easyTithe dropdown menu.