Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Thank You

The United Methodist Women thank everyone who made our May Rummage Sales for Missions successful. We thank all those who donated items, bought items, helped to set up (inside and outside), price and sell the items, and clean up after the sales. With your work, we raised over $1,300 toward our UMW mission pledge. Thank you again, and we look forward to the next sale in September.

On behalf of our residents at the Union Aid Apartments Bldg. at 511 Centennial Ave.… THANK YOU! Pam Mayo and Fellowship of the Cross youth for planting flowers in our entrance and patio containers on Saturday, May 15th. Robin Craig Clark wrote “All the flowers of all tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” As the flowers bloom and flourish, they feed our souls with their quiet beauty and fragrance from spring – to summer – to fall. Like the flowers you dress our gardens with… you bring sunshine to shady places with the worthy service and work that you do. We thank God for you and the gift you give with such enthusiasm and caring hearts.

Have a Blessed summer!
Dorothy Jadlowiec

Dear Lunch Ladies,

Thank you so much for providing me with a monthly tasty lunch. I have never been able to attend the salad luncheons due to my work schedule, but I do have time to run down and pick up lunch. Thank you Pam for my monthly reminder call. I’d like to volunteer to make a dessert for a meal or two.

Laura G.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your generous donation of delicious food to Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (WC&S) which has benefited residents staying in the Emergency Shelter. We are especially grateful for your support during these uncertain times.

Access to safety and basic necessities is proving to be more of a challenge for survivors of domestic violence and their children during this pandemic. However, WC&S remains committed to delivering our programs and services and providing necessities to those who need them. We are able to continue this work because of the community's incredible generosity. Our gratitude extends past the WC&S staff and is felt by those we serve, as expressed by Samantha:

"I have been so appreciative of the support I have received from the center in the past, and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in these difficult times. Sincerest thanks for the work that you do to keep women safe, myself included."

While we don't know how long this crisis will last, we do know that we will get through it together as a community. We are so humbled to call you a member of the Advisory Council WC&S family and thank you for thinking of those we serve in such a great time of need. From the bottom of our hearts… a sincere thank you!

Nicole Molinaro President/CEO

Photo by Paul Iwancio