Your purchase of a wide range of Kellogg’s brand products equals opportunity to receive a free book — YOU CAN EARN UP TO 6 FREE BOOKS THROUGH THE NATIONAL PROGRAM AND UP TO 12 MORE FREE BOOKS WITH SAM’S CLUB PROGRAM! It would be wonderful to have dozens of books to donate to Church Union’s Reading Mentoring Program. The Feeding Reading promotion has already started, so let’s get shopping to earn free books.

To participate in this promotion, please see the details under each offer. Print copies of the product lists are available outside the church office. Kellogg’s Brands include Kellogg’s cereals, Pop-Tarts, Pringles, Eggo, Nutri-grain, Rice Krispie Treats, Cheez-its and Keebler Crackers (see the website for types and sizes). You do need to upload receipt image within 14 days of purchase (through 9/30/21); redeem earned book credits by 10/14/21.

Don’t eat any of those products? Donate snacks and cereal through church for various ministries — the Outreach Committee will take care of distribution. Watch for the “Back to School” sales on cereals and snacks to save on your purchases while earning FREE books! If you need help with the Kellogg’s Family Rewards website, please contact Martha Boward.

Photo by Joe Morgan