Rainbow Handbells

Pre-K to 3rd Grade

Rehearsals: Sundays, after the Contemporary Service (around 10:00) to 10:20

This group will focus on the basics of making music. We will learn things like how to hold
and treat our instruments, playing only when we’re supposed to, the difference between
loud and soft, and much more. In rehearsals, we will learn how to play songs, play games, and watch videos related to what we’re learning.


3rd Grade & Up

Rehearsals: Sundays, 10:40 to the start of the Traditional Service (around 10:55)

This group will focus on the basics of reading music. We will learn things like treble clef vs. bass clef, note names and rhythms, dynamic markings, and much more. In rehearsals, we will learn how to play songs, do worksheets on basic music theory, and watch videos related to what we’re learning.

Rehearsals are in the classroom between the nursery and Mr. Bill’s Sunday School room.

Contact Grace Rogansky for more information.

Photo by Dave Lundy