As the Fellowship of the Cross formally launches our 12th Operation Christmas Child campaign, we remember that our shoeboxes from 2014 and 2016 were distributed in Ukraine, a nation now ravaged by war. We trusted Jesus to use those boxes to launch and nourish His relationships with children and families in Ukraine, and we pray that those relationships are providing strength and hope today. We never know where our OCC shoeboxes may travel, but we know that children and families who receive them will be introduced to Jesus and strengthened by His presence in their lives.

It has become an SUMC Christmas tradition to share “the good news of great joy for all people” through shoeboxes filled with gifts that will be distributed to children around the world. The SUMC church family has combined to fill at least 100 boxes each year..

The months through August are our most important collection months. We will invite church family into a packing event in September. FOTC will be accepting donations such as toothbrushes, combs and brushes, school supplies, small toys and stuffed animals, jewelry, socks and t-shirts, ball caps, and empty shoeboxes. We can accept very “gently-used” gifts. We cannot accept toothpaste, bar soap, liquids of any kind, war- themed gifts, or candy.

The Fellowship of the Cross has a donation box outside the church office and in the Narthex. Financial donations are also welcome to help buy additional items to fill the boxes. There is an Operation Christmas Child option on the EasyTithe menu. Financial contributions can also be made through the offering or church office; please mark them “OCC.”