“The Good Bell is Heard in the Distance” – Neapolitan Proverb

Our handbells were sent to be refurbished over the summer by the manufacturer, Schulmerich Bells. The bells have had minor maintenance over the past 17 years, but we felt it was time for a refurbishment. After taking them apart, they were found to be in worse shape than we suspected. We have the funds to pay for the basic refurbishment but need about $2,000 more to cover the additional required and recommended repairs, which, among other benefits, will return the sound of the bells to what they should be.

We are asking the congregation for donations to help us cover the additional cost, so the handbells may be properly repaired. If you can help us, please mark your donations “handbell repairs” and drop them in the offering or leave them in the office by July 10th. You may also give via EasyTithe. Thank you from your SUMC Clocktower Ringers.