SUMC will participate in Pittsburgh Pride 2023 on June 2nd & 3rd by hosting a booth at the festival and marching in the parade on Saturday. Details are still being worked out, but we will be looking for people to help work the booth and encourage everyone to come march with us. What a wonderful opportunity for us to show God’s love to the community!

We will lift up our siblings and the fight for justice and equality within the LGBTQIA2S+ community during our 9;00 and 11:00 am worship services on June 4th. We will also celebrate our siblings with a special service at 4:00 pm, which will include a guest speaker. More information to follow. We are grateful for the diversity and complexity in which God created us. We will not shy away from it or cover it with shame. We will embrace the beauty of who we are and Whose we are in Jesus Christ. Amen!