Church Liturgists Needed
Rev. Hamilton is calling for volunteers for church liturgists for the 11:00 am services. Please consider adding your name to the list. Contact Rev. Jim Hamilton for more details at: 724-266-1473.
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Occasionally we get requests from members of our church family who need a ride to a medical appointment. If you’d be willing to be on a list of people willing to drive, please let Pastor Hannah or the office know.
Meal Ministry
When someone in our church family is facing a difficult or challenging time (sickness, death, new baby, etc.), our Meal Ministry volunteers provide meals. If you would like to be added to our list of volunteers willing to help with the meals, please let our Nurture Chair, Sandy Kuriger, or the office know.
Altar Flowers
To sponsor the flowers on a particular Sunday, please sign up in the narthex, or contact the office. The cost is $35. The entire month of February is available.