On Saturday, June 15, eight volunteers from SUMC distributed fresh produce to residents of Northview Heights (NVH). Located in the Northside, this under-resourced area has limited access to healthy foods. Every Saturday, the Northside Food Pantry Advisors, a non-profit whose mission is to provide fresh food to the Northside neighborhoods, distributes fresh produce in NVH, including fruits and vegetables, to anyone in the neighborhood with the help of volunteer groups. SUMC volunteers distributed apples, bananas, carrots, lemons, onions, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, collard greens, and kale to 38 households, including bags of bananas and apples to 22 children. The produce, fresh from the Strip district, is brought by other volunteers to the site. Our volunteers unloaded the truck and distributed produce to families who were waiting.

The SUMC Outreach Committee plans to volunteer for two more distributions this year. This project requires only 1.5 hours, from 9:00 - 10:30. This is an excellent way to become involved with outreach, especially if you have limited time available. Look for notices in the bulletin for our next NVH day. SUMC will probably cover one Saturday in September and another in December. Transportation is available to and from the site. Call Sharon Cowden if you are interested. Hope to see you there!