The Library Committee has undergone some changes, including some new leaders: Sandra Lane and Laura Geason. We still have on our committee Warren Kinneer, Jenine Furry, and Pat Ferguson but have also welcomed new members, Chad Wolfe and Patti Ellis.

The goals for the committee in 2024 are to continue to honor Mr. Patton’s requests for the library space while accommodating our church family needs and interests.

We are planning to stock the shelves with current, contemporary readings. We have hopes for new scanning software so you can check out a book anytime the church is open.

Once the work is complete, our long term hope is to host events like Book Club, Speaker series, Family game night, Coffee & Conversation, and more.

New furniture and room layout are planned to meet the needs of our groups who meet in the space and provide a welcome place to sit and read or just hang out.

We are calling the project update: The Patton Library 2.0

Stayed tuned for more details.

In the meantime, please reach out to any of us on the committee, and tell us what books/media you’d like to see stocked in your church library.