We shared a “wish list” for our 2024 Operation Christmas Child campaign and, as always, our church family responded. Beneath the trees posted in the sanctuary for our “Christmas in July“ worship services, we found markers and colored pencils, pencils and pens, crayons and glue sticks, rulers with metric edges, notebooks that fit into shoe boxes, miniature cars and trucks, toy horses, socks, stuffed animals, a Barbie doll, and a Spyrograph set!

The Fellowship of the Cross youth are grateful for your support as we advance in our 14th OCC drive. Together, we have contributed more than 1,400 shoe boxes that have helped bring the Light of Jesus, and the joy of Christmas, to children in Ukraine, Africa, South America, Central America, and Caribbean nations.

We are also grateful for Pastor Hannah, Leap of Faith, and Mr. Erik and his Christmas Choir for supporting and celebrating “Christmas in July,” which has become the biggest day of our collection campaign.

We haven’t fully inventoried the Christmas donations yet, but we will have another short “wish list” later this month for anyone still seeking an opportunity to contribute. School supplies, small toys, and wearables like socks, T-shirts, and ball caps are always welcome. Financial donations to help with shipping costs are also welcome.

We will hold our annual packing party on Sept. 29, and all are invited to fill a shoe box.