The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the 11:00 am Children’s Church group, is as follows: “Friends.” As a point of context, the group is beginning a lesson arc about building new friendships and relationships. We are studying the ways Jesus invited and included people. So while this is a prayer prompt for familiar friends, it can also be a request for God to open our eyes to new people and possibilities in new places. The 11:00 am group, led by Felicity and Kandace, also suggested that we add a prayer for Pastor Hannah and pray for world peace. Makes sense, doesn’t it, that if we’re all looking to build new friendships, peace will follow?

The FOTC youth are directing the Add1 prayer campaign, hoping that everyone in the church family will add one prayer every day through Lent. Our bulletin board in the Simpson Room, featuring a window looking out onto God’s creation, serves as a reminder to look for prayer opportunities in new places. The SUMC youth, including the Confirmation Class, will provide the following week’s prayer window, and our junior bells choirs will follow, as we move toward Holy Week. We thank all who are joining us in prayer.