Sewickley’s 2025 World Day of Prayer service will be held on the first Friday in March—March 7—at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 616 Washington Street, at 1:00 PM. Please save the date, and make plans to attend.
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Sewickley’s 2025 World Day of Prayer service will be held on the first Friday in March—March 7—at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 616 Washington Street, at 1:00 PM. Please save the date, and make plans to attend.
Our Ecumenical Lenten Services will begin here at SUMC on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, at 7:00 pm.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr service of remembrance is on January 19th. We will have a shared meal together in the Simpson room at 4:00 pm followed by a worship service at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
On January 19th, SUMC will join other United Methodist congregations in celebrating Human Relations Day. This special Sunday, which is traditionally observed near Martin Luther King Day, focuses on fostering better relationships within diverse communities and supporting community and youth outreach.
The Contemporary Christmas Eve Service will be held at 5:00 pm, and the Traditional Service will be held at 7:30.
There will be a joint service held at 10:00 am on Sunday, December 22, which will include our Christmas Pageant and be followed by the Breakfast for Baby Jesus. There will also be a joint service held on December 29 at 10:00 am.
Donations to help contribute to the live Christmas flower arrangements can be made by dedicating your offering as “Christmas Flowers” in the offering plate or through our Vanco eGiving portal.
The Christmas season is approaching fast, and we would love to have you be a part of the Radio J-O-Y team!
On November 17th, SUMC will join with other United Methodists to observe Student Day and to accept donations to support United Methodist students in achieving their educational goals.
Love to sing? Join us in making this Advent and Christmas season truly special! Wesleyan Voices, our chancel choir, is looking for new seasonal members to join our joyful community.
Join us on November 3rd during both worship services as we recognize the saints who have passed from among us.
On Oct 6th, SUMC will join with other UM congregations to observe World Communion Sunday. This observance celebrates the universal and inclusive nature of the United Methodist Church.
On Sunday, September 15th, there will be a special offering received for the purpose of supporting the educational ministries of the Western PA Conference, which include training, resources, and laity scholarships.
This Sunday, September 8, the Library Committee and SUMC family will recognize our 3rd graders with Bibles.
After 15 years leading worship and writing original songs, Leap of Faith has released their first album!
SUMC will observe Disability Awareness Sunday on August 18th.
August 18th at 4:00 pm, we will have a joint outdoor service with the churches of Sewickley Presbyterian, St. Matthews AME Zion, St Paul’s Lutheran, and SUMC followed by a picnic.
Please remember that there will only be ONE SERVICE this Sunday at 10:30 am. It will be a joint service with our family at St. Matthew’s AME Zion Church. Our Church Family Picnic will follow after the service at War Memorial Park, Shelter #1.
During both worship services on June 2nd, we will give glory to God for the beautiful, diverse ways in which God has created us.
We’re looking for a few volunteers (and their pets) to participate in a future social post!