Children’s Church, during the 11:00 am service, is looking for 1-2 adult leaders and 1-2 assistants, each serving once a month.
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Children’s Church, during the 11:00 am service, is looking for 1-2 adult leaders and 1-2 assistants, each serving once a month.
As we draw closer to our Vacation Bible School week in August, the “Seekers in Sneakers” team has added some new items to our wish list. Here are a few things we would like to borrow from church family.
All the children are invited to join us Sunday (July 14) on the SUMC lawn at 10:00 am (between services) for a pre-VBS party.
Starting Friday, August 16th, we will be gathering with our neighbors from the Latino Community for a time of food, fellowship, and education.
The Library Committee is in search of our children entering 3rd grade in the fall. We like to recognize those students with their own commemorative Bible.
We celebrated our graduates during the June 9 services.
We have three new growth groups starting this month. The Bible’s YES to Same-Sex Marriage begins June 4th. Cultural Diversity Training happens June 13th in preparation for our English as a Second Language course, and Emotionally Healthy Discipleship kicks off June 17th.
Look for Vacation Bible School registration info in early May. Online registration is available on the SUMC website.
The Sewickley UMC will be collecting coloring books, crayons, and flowers in May.
A 4-week mini-series that will expand your understanding of what it means to be an anti-racist and learn how you can work towards a more just and loving church and community. Classes meet once a week.
Our children and youth will be leading worship on Mother’s Day (May 12), and students are invited to share their musical gifts in the worship services.
Consider this an invitation to a planning meeting and a prayer initiative. The SUMC VBS team is holding its next planning meeting in the Simpson Room on April 21, shortly after the 11:00 am worship service ends. If you have committed to the project, or are wondering if there is a place for you, please join us.
The group is studying important women every Tuesday morning in April. The May study will concentrate on “The Chosen.”
SUMC has campership funds available to help your child attend one of three great camps in Western PA.
Families are invited and encouraged to bring baskets or bags to the Easter egg hunt between worship services on Easter Sunday (March 31).
The Education team is searching for someone with basic video recording and editing experience to help create a children’s video for our Mother’s Day services.
Our free Community Vacation Bible School, for students pre-school through middle school, will be offered from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, August 5 through 8, on the SUMC campus.
The Education team will be conducting an egg hunt between services on Easter Sunday.
We are still looking for responses to our Education Survey. Please take a moment to share your thoughts about education for all age groups at our church. You can fill out the digital survey, or talk to Grace or Felicity to get a paper version.
The Education Committee is looking to hear your input on education at the church. Please take a moment to give some quick feedback!