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Monthly Prayer Group

Monthly Prayer Group

All are invited to participate in the monthly Prayer Group meeting. The April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 9th, at 10:00 am in the parlor.

New Members Reception

New Members Reception

New members will be received at both services on March 9th. Please join us for a reception at 10:00 am between the services to officially welcome our new members.

All Saints’ Fellowship

All Saints’ Fellowship

Following the 11:00 am service on November 3, everyone is invited to a meal in the Simpson Room.

Annual Hayride

Annual Hayride

Come to the Annual Hayride & Bonfire, Saturday, October 12, at Sandy & Bill Kuriger’s home, 6:00-9:00 pm.

Come join the Tuesday Women

Come join the Tuesday Women

Come join the Tuesday Women, starting on Tuesday, October 1st, for an exciting year of fellowship, service, music, Bible topics, and growth.

Family Game Night

Family Game Night

We hope to see you at family game night this Friday, August 2nd, 6:00 - 8:00 pm.

Picnic Thanks!

Picnic Thanks!

The Library Committee would like to say thank you to all who attended this year’s picnic.

Family Game Night

Family Game Night

Mark your calendar for July 19, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, for another game night.

One Service at 10:30 and Picnic After

One Service at 10:30 and Picnic After

Please remember that there will only be ONE SERVICE this Sunday at 10:30 am. It will be a joint service with our family at St. Matthew’s AME Zion Church. Our Church Family Picnic will follow after the service at War Memorial Park, Shelter #1.

Ladies Outing

Ladies Outing

Come have a lovely afternoon by joining the Ladies Group for lunch on Thursday, July 25th, at Narcisi’s Winery.

Thank You!

Thank You!

Thanks for FOTC donations and a special birthday wish.

Porch Parties are Back!

Porch Parties are Back!

Get together with a family or two, and sign up to spend a Friday night with us on our front porch. I mean, what cooler way to spend a Friday night than with the Pastor and her family?!

Women Together Luncheon

Women Together Luncheon

All women are invited to lunch on Friday, May 31st, at the Christy House in Sewickley.

Save the Date: Church Family Picnic

Save the Date: Church Family Picnic

Please come to our annual church picnic where we will break bread with our family at St. Matthew’s AME Zion Church on June 23.

Thank You!

Thank You!

A couple notes of thanks from the Christmas season.

Breakfast for Baby Jesus

Breakfast for Baby Jesus

On Dec 17th at 11:00 am, we’ll have our annual Breakfast for Baby Jesus between the services.

All Saints’ Fellowship

All Saints’ Fellowship

Following the 11:00 am service on Nov. 5th, everyone is invited to a meal in the Simpson Room.

Thank You!

Thank You!

Words of thanks from our members.