Viewing entries in
Fellowship of the Cross

Video Stars Needed

Video Stars Needed

The Fellowship of the Cross needs children and youth to help film a video that will be included in the Mother’s Day services on May 13. We will meet in the Simpson Room at 11 am, this Sunday, April 8. Outdoor scenes, and possibly some indoor scenes, will be filmed at 11, and additional scenes will be filmed in the sanctuary at the conclusion of the 11 am service. The young actors will likely be involved from 11 am until 1 pm. They should come dressed for the outdoors. See Bill Utterback or any member of the FOTC team for more information.

Gift Bags for Shut-ins

Gift Bags for Shut-ins

If you wanted to make any donations to the gift bags the FOTC kids will deliver to the shut-ins this coming Sunday, December 17, please be sure to bring them to the church no later than Sunday morning.

FOTC Hot Chocolate Sale

FOTC Hot Chocolate Sale

Sunday School children are invited to join the FOTC team to offer free cups of hot chocolate on the front lawn during Light Up Night on December 1.

Holiday Babysitting

Holiday Babysitting

If you think your time for Christmas shopping may be two sizes too small, we may have a way for you to get to the mall.

Flower Planting

Flower Planting

The Fellowship of the Cross youth will lead this year’s Sunday school flower-planting event this Sunday, May 21, the last morning of the Sunday school year. Everyone is invited to join our children and youth classes as we plant flowers around the church property during the Sunday school hour.